Is Empty - Check whether a text string is of length 0

This action counts the number of characters in a text string and checks whether it is 0 (an "empty" string).

If you want to get the text's length, use Length.

If you need to check whether the text matches more complex constraints (not only length constraints), use Match.


The action's template has one trigger (<Text>), which can be changed to non-mandatory:

<Text> (non-repetitive text trigger [not required]): A text string.


The three exits represent three mutually exclusive possibilities:

<Yes> (non-repetitive text exit [not required]): The input text (the value of <Text>) if <Text> is of length 0 (an empty string).

<No> (non-repetitive text exit [not required]): The input text (the value of <Text>) if <Text> is of length greater than 0 (contains at least one character).

<Missing> (non-repetitive empty exit [not required]): Activated if no input is received through <Text> (this is possible only if <Text> is non-mandatory).

Usage Examples

Test1 (three basic use cases)